Home Insurance

Insurance Services

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Insurance Designed with Keeping Your Needs in Mind

Your home means everything to you. Allow us to help safeguard your family in case the unthinkable happens…

• Fire
• Earthquake
• Theft
• Vandalism

Our homeowner’s insurance covers damage to your home, and reimburses you for all costs you incur while forced out of your home.

If you have special possessions such as jewelry, art, antiques or collectibles, ask about our scheduled personal property coverage.

Simple Ways to Save on Your Insurance

There are a few ways to save on your home insurance policy:

1. Multi-policy Discount

2. New Home Discount

3. Electric, Plumbing Roofing Upgrades

4. Local/Central Burglar & Fire Alarm

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    Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.